Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Paper #1
“Foreign Athletic Limits”
Explanation: The thesis is not well developed.While reading the paper, I was getting a little confused. In the body paragraphs, the writer did not stay on subject throughout each paragraph. There are some grammar, capitalization and puctuation errors.

Paper #2
“Online College vs. Online High School”
Explanation: The thesis was not clear to me. The paper overall was not well thought out. There was no type of unity in the paper. The writer did not met the word count goal of 2,000 words. I believe the writer should have took more time on the paper.

Paper #3
“Predisposed to Divorce”
Explanation: The overall paper was good. The thesis was clear and well thought out. The paper had clarity and got straight to the point. Other than a few puctuations and spelling errors, the paper deserved a healthy A.

Paper #4
“NAACP Case Against Gun Manufacturers”
Explanation: The paper had a clear thesis, but the introductory should have a little more detail to support the thesis sentence. The writer had very good citations in the paper, but didn't quite meet the word count goal. There were also some grammar, punctuation, and captalizaion errors in the paper.

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