Sunday, October 21, 2007

Idea of the "American" family

The Color of Water presents two very different versions of a “family.” Consider McBride’s family, McBride’s mother’s family, the family you discuss in the Narrative Definition, and the family presented in the advertisement you chose to analyze. How do the representations of families differ? How do they fit within the idea of an “American” family? Which one best represents what we mean by “family values”? Why?

McBride's family was the family that stayed very close together. Their mother wanted all of her kids to suceed in life and they did just that. She encourged them to always protect each other and never let any one harm their other sibiling. His mother had to raise her kids on her own, true enough the stepfather came home on the weekends but most of the responsibilty was left up to the mother. In my narrative draft, my family wouldn't be described as the "American Family". My mother and father are not together, but they work togehter to raise their two beautiful children. My parents always encourage us to do our best and aim to be successful in life. Eventhough, my family are not considered to be the "American" family, they are a loving family. The family in my advertising anaylsis are a family that comes together in a time of need. When the girl was believed to be using drugs the family came together to support the young girl. They are a family that have a few problems, but out of the three families they would be considered the "American" family.

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